22/3/2014 0 Comments Spring verses songs and storiesSpring Circle for little children
A collection of verses and songs for ring time http://susannah-moonchild.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/spring-circle-for-little-children.html Spring is coming, spring is coming: birdies build your nest! Weave together straw and feather, doing each your best! Spring is coming, spring is coming: flowers are coming too, Pansies lilies, daffodillies, All are coming through! Spring is coming, spring is coming, All around is fair! Shimmer, quiver on the river Joy is everywhere! Wake up, wake up, all you little children, Sunlight, sky bright, Spring is coming now Gusty March winds blowing Daffodils a blowing, Birds sing, bells ring, There’s blossom on the bough. ~~~ Piper, piper , play your happy music! Singing, singing, we will follow on. Dancing through the daytime Lead us to the May time Ding dong-Spring song, Winter ‘s past and gone! In and out the dusty bluebells, In and out the dusty bluebells, Who will be my partner? Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. You will be my partner. ( Also Pit-a-pat on your shoulder…different version!) Sleepy Bunnies See the little bunnies sleeping ‘till is nearly noon… Shall we wake them with a merry tune? Oh so sweet- Are they ill? Wake up soon! Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop, Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop Ten little fairies stand up straight Ten little fairies make a gate Ten little fairies bow to the King Ten little fairies make a ring Ten little fairies dance and play Ten little fairies fly away ( hide away) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daffodilly down came to town With her yellow bonnet and her green gown! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Crocus, crocus , open up - Catch a Sunbeam in your cup! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The silver raindrops patter upon the earth today Tip tap, their knock is gentle and this is what they say “Awake now little flowers and open wide your door, Put on your rainbow dresses as Spring is here once more! An early Spring puppet play A simple puppet play I do at parent and child sessions I use simple objects like pine cones for trees and green dark green and light green scarves for grass/earth and blue scarf for sky some wooden animals; Mother Earth puppet; some root and flower children – felt figures bits of bark, twigs, pussy willow; some flowers...any nature finding will do! Silk scarves in white for snow, pink, orange and yellow; little magic wool fairies could be used too. The Story of the Root Children By Sibylle Von Olfers Under the ground, deep in the earth among the roots of the trees, the little root-children were fast asleep all winter long. They felt nothing of the biting wind, the cold snow or the stinging hailstorms. They slept peacefully in their warm burrows. They were dreaming of the sunshine in which they had played all through the summer. And what wonderful dreams they were! When at last winter came to an end and the sun began to melt the snow, Mother Earth came along with her candle to wake them up again. “Wake up, children,” she called kindly. ”Time to get up now! You’ve slept long enough. Spring is coming and there’s work to be done. I’ve brought you scissors, needles and thread and pieces of cloth so that you can all make new clothes. Wake up! As soon as you’re ready, I’ll unlock and open the doors up to the ground.” The children yawned and stretched. Then they jumped up merrily. Hurray, spring is coming! Mother Earth had pieces of lovely coloured cloth in her basket. Each of the root-children chose her own colour to make a dress. The Daffodil chose a bright yellow cloth, the wild rose a soft pink, and the poppy a bright orange. Then they sat down in a cosy circle and began to work busily. They cut, they sewed and pressed until everything fitted exactly. And, as they worked, they sang all the spring songs that they knew. (Sing second verse of “Spring is Coming”): Spring is coming, Spring is coming, flowers are coming too, poppies, roses, daffodillies, all are coming through! All are coming through! As soon as they as they had finished making their new dresses, they went up to Mother Earth in a long procession. Mother Earth looked over her spectacles in surprise when she saw the root-children coming so soon. “Well, well, you have been quick,” she exclaimed, ” and how nice it all looks!” Up above ground, the warm sun was already bringing out the new green leaves on the trees. At last it was really springtime! Mother Earth opened the door. Then out into the lovely spring sunshine came a procession of root-children with their blades of grass and flowers. Radiant Sun from his throne in the sky Looked down on earth where sleeping seeds lie And thought to himself, "I think it's time For flower babies to wake up and play." So with his rays of gold he knocked and knocked At each and every flower family's door, "Wake up! Wake up!" he chuckled with glee, "Time to wake up and colour the earth's floor!" The snowdrops were first, then crocus and rosies, Daffodils, violets and all sorts of posies Yawning and stretching under radiant sun, Yes, all flowers create springtime fun! Welcome Spring - Circle time Verses For Spring Where are the froggies when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in the mud they lie, froggies sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, froggies wake and jump about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the turtles when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in the mud they lie, turtles sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, turtles wake and crawl about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the bears when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in a cave they lie, baby bears sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, bear cubs wake and run about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the squirrels when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Cracking nuts in a hollow tree, squirrels are cozy as cozy can be. When the warm spring sun comes out, squirrels wake and jump about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. * * * * * * * * A little seed for me to sow. A little earth to make it grow. A little hole, a little pat, a little wish, and that is that. A little sun, a little shower, a little while, and then a flower. * * * * * * * * Spring is here, said the bumble bee How do you know, said the old oak tree I see yellow daffodils Dancing with the fairies on the windy hills. * * * * * * * * Pitter, patter raindrops, falling on the treetops, falling down on garden beds, wetting all the children¹s heads. Pitter, patter raindrops, falling on the treetops. * * * * * * * * Now the sky has darkened, and the rain is sprinkling down. Shall we hide beneath a tree, or run back home to town? No! We like the rain! * * * * * * * * VERSE: WALKING: Splish, splash, splish, splash here's how we walk in the rain. Splish, splash, splish, splash here¹s how we walk in the rain. And splash -we run through the puddles. And splosh - we skip in the rain. And splish - we turn round the corner until we come home again! * * * * * * * * And now the rain is over the sky is bright and blue, and yonder in the meadow, the sheep are happy too. * * * * * * * * FINGERPLAY: This is a house for a robin (make a nest with hands) This is a hive for a bee (two fists together to make a hive) This is a hole for a bunny (thumbs and pointers on both hands to make hole) And this is a house for me! (Arms and hands form roof overhead) * * * * * * * * In our Springtime garden, rosy morning glow, Sunshine falling, calling, falling, seeds are waking so. * * * * * * * * Through the meadow let us walk, and see what wonders spring has brought. Skipping, skipping, let us go, as the breeze blows to and fro. But watch your step and look where you go! Here is a creature tiny and slow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caterpillar, caterpillar you are such a pretty sight. Caterpillar, caterpillar green and yellow, black and white. Take care what you do, robins are a watching you. Take care what you do, robins are a watching you. Caterpillar, caterpillar creep away and hide you soon. Caterpillar, caterpillar spin yourself a warm cocoon. Dark and silent lie, till you are a butterfly. Dark and silent lie, till you are a butterfly. * * * * * * * * Flutter, flutter butterfly Floating in the springtime sky Floating by for all to see Floating by so merrily Come bright butterfly close to me. Your beautiful wings I should like to see. You fly like a bird, you sip like a bee, but you're really a flower on the wind set free. Look high and low and you will see, the butterfly is not alone in this meadow. Hop, said the grasshopper, ³hop, hop, hop! The summer is coming and I can¹t stop. All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a honey bee...² Hum, said the honey bee, ³hum, hum, hum! Fresh sweet clover field here I come! All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a squirrel now...² Scurry, said the squirrel and waved her tail like a little brown ship with a furry furry sail. All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a rabbit now...² Jump, said the rabbit with a jump, jump, jump, I must find a fat lettuce to make me plump! All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a grasshopper... * * * * * * * * VERSE: WALKING: I see across the meadow is a farmer working, sturdy and strong, with his sack of seeds he strides along; Let's go work with him in the field today. It's time to sow our seed. * * * * * * * * SONG: WALKING: Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow. Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow. The birds are a singing, the little seeds springing, Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow Little brown seeds so small and round, Are sleeping quietly underground. Down come the raindrops sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle. Out comes the rainbow, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. Little brown seeds way down below, Up through the earth they grow, grow, grow. Little green leaves come one by one. They hold up their heads and look at the sun. * * * * * * * * SONG: WALKING: Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Can you or I or anyone know How oats, peas, beans, and barley grow? First the farmer sows his seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Next the farmer waters the seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Next the farmer hoes the weeds, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Last the farmer harvests his seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: * * * * * * * * SONGS FOR MAY FAIRE_ MAY POLE DANCE SONG: SKIPPING: Sing a song of May Day, Hi dee ho dee hay! Showers of flowers from breezy bowers, Hi dee ho dee hay! Dancers and prancers in high grass Hi dee ho dee hay! Joyfully skip each lad and lassie, Hi dee ho dee hay! SONG: WALKING_ SKIPPING Here we go round the May Pole high, The May Pole high The May Pole high Here we go round the May Pole high, Let coloured ribbons fly! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We're dancing, we're dancing around the Maypole high. In colours of the rainbow our ribbons do fly. Dear children take a ribbon please today May flowers all are we. Around, around, around, a garland we do weave. Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la la. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me please. Tra la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Tra la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me please. Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la la. We thank you dear Maypole. (bow) We thank you dear Maypole. (curtsy) * * * * * * * * FINGERPLAYS: Five little peas in a pea pod pressed. One grew, two grew, and so did all the rest. They grew and they grew and they did not stop, until one day, the pod went POP! * * * * * * * * This is my wee garden plot. I'll rake it with care and it will grow a lot! Peas and carrots and salad from seeds. I'll plant and water and pull out the weeds. The sun will shine and bathe my garden in light, all the plants will be happy and taste just right. Here, try some, have a bite! * * * * * * * Have you ever seen a rainbow On a sunny springtime day, After it's been raining In the misty month of May? Out from the clouds it will appear, And then it's gone away. Have you ever seen a rainbow On a sunny springtime day? * * * * * * * * Spring is here, said the bumble bee How do you know, said the old oak tree I see yellow daffodils Dancing with the fairies on the windy hills. Spring is coming spring is coming flowers are waking too daisies, lilies, daffodillies all are breaking through! All are breaking through! * * * * * * * * Cherry Blossoms Little cherry blossom buds Closed up oh, so tight! See them bursting into bloom, Colored pink and white. Along comes the spring breeze, Blowing all around, And down fall the petals, Twirling to the ground. * * * * * * * * Here we go, to and fro, over the rainbow bridge we go. Treading softly, treading slow, over the rainbow bridge we go. Gathering light from sun and star, gathering light from heaven afar, Down to earth all things to greet, sharing the light with all we meet. Here we go, to and fro, over the rainbow bridge we go. Treading softly, treading slow, over the rainbow bridge we go. * * * * * * * * * * Come golden butterfly, close to me, Your beautiful golden wings, I should like to see. You fly like a bird, you sip like a bee, But you're really a flower the wind has set free. * * * * * * * * * * Two little clouds one summer's day Went flying through the sky. They went so fast they bumped their heads, And both began to cry. Old Father Sun looked out and said, Oh, never mind my dears, I'll send my little fairy folk To dry your falling tears. One fairy came in violet, And one in indigo, In blue, green, yellow, orange, red, They made a pretty row. They wiped the clouds tears all away, And then out from the sky, Upon a line the sunbeams made, They hung their gowns to dry. Spring Circle for little children A collection of verses and songs for ring time Spring is coming, spring is coming: birdies build your nest! Weave together straw and feather, doing each your best! Spring is coming, spring is coming: flowers are coming too, Pansies lilies, daffodillies, All are coming through! Spring is coming, spring is coming, All around is fair! Shimmer, quiver on the river Joy is everywhere! Wake up, wake up, all you little children, Sunlight, sky bright, Spring is coming now Gusty March winds blowing Daffodils a blowing, Birds sing, bells ring, There’s blossom on the bough. ~~~ Piper, piper , play your happy music! Singing, singing, we will follow on. Dancing through the daytime Lead us to the May time Ding dong-Spring song, Winter ‘s past and gone! In and out the dusty bluebells, In and out the dusty bluebells, Who will be my partner? Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. Tippy-tappy tippy-tappy On my shoulder.............. You will be my partner. ( Also Pit-a-pat on your shoulder…different version!) Sleepy Bunnies See the little bunnies sleeping ‘till is nearly noon… Shall we wake them with a merry tune? Oh so sweet- Are they ill? Wake up soon! Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop, Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop Ten little fairies stand up straight Ten little fairies make a gate Ten little fairies bow to the King Ten little fairies make a ring Ten little fairies dance and play Ten little fairies fly away ( hide away) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daffodilly down came to town With her yellow bonnet and her green gown! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Crocus, crocus , open up - Catch a Sunbeam in your cup! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The silver raindrops patter upon the earth today Tip tap, their knock is gentle and this is what they say “Awake now little flowers and open wide your door, Put on your rainbow dresses as Spring is here once more! An early Spring puppet play A simple puppet play I do at parent and child sessions I use simple objects like pine cones for trees and green dark green and light green scarves for grass/earth and blue scarf for sky some wooden animals; Mother Earth puppet; some root and flower children – felt figures bits of bark, twigs, pussy willow; some flowers...any nature finding will do! Silk scarves in white for snow, pink, orange and yellow; little magic wool fairies could be used too. The Story of the Root Children By Sibylle Von Olfers Under the ground, deep in the earth among the roots of the trees, the little root-children were fast asleep all winter long. They felt nothing of the biting wind, the cold snow or the stinging hailstorms. They slept peacefully in their warm burrows. They were dreaming of the sunshine in which they had played all through the summer. And what wonderful dreams they were! When at last winter came to an end and the sun began to melt the snow, Mother Earth came along with her candle to wake them up again. “Wake up, children,” she called kindly. ”Time to get up now! You’ve slept long enough. Spring is coming and there’s work to be done. I’ve brought you scissors, needles and thread and pieces of cloth so that you can all make new clothes. Wake up! As soon as you’re ready, I’ll unlock and open the doors up to the ground.” The children yawned and stretched. Then they jumped up merrily. Hurray, spring is coming! Mother Earth had pieces of lovely coloured cloth in her basket. Each of the root-children chose her own colour to make a dress. The Daffodil chose a bright yellow cloth, the wild rose a soft pink, and the poppy a bright orange. Then they sat down in a cosy circle and began to work busily. They cut, they sewed and pressed until everything fitted exactly. And, as they worked, they sang all the spring songs that they knew. (Sing second verse of “Spring is Coming”): Spring is coming, Spring is coming, flowers are coming too, poppies, roses, daffodillies, all are coming through! All are coming through! As soon as they as they had finished making their new dresses, they went up to Mother Earth in a long procession. Mother Earth looked over her spectacles in surprise when she saw the root-children coming so soon. “Well, well, you have been quick,” she exclaimed, ” and how nice it all looks!” Up above ground, the warm sun was already bringing out the new green leaves on the trees. At last it was really springtime! Mother Earth opened the door. Then out into the lovely spring sunshine came a procession of root-children with their blades of grass and flowers. Radiant Sun from his throne in the sky Looked down on earth where sleeping seeds lie And thought to himself, "I think it's time For flower babies to wake up and play." So with his rays of gold he knocked and knocked At each and every flower family's door, "Wake up! Wake up!" he chuckled with glee, "Time to wake up and colour the earth's floor!" The snowdrops were first, then crocus and rosies, Daffodils, violets and all sorts of posies Yawning and stretching under radiant sun, Yes, all flowers create springtime fun! Welcome Spring - Circle time Verses For Spring Where are the froggies when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in the mud they lie, froggies sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, froggies wake and jump about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the turtles when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in the mud they lie, turtles sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, turtles wake and crawl about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the bears when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Deep, deep down in a cave they lie, baby bears sleeping with tight-closed eyes. When the warm spring sun comes out, bear cubs wake and run about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. Where are the squirrels when the north winds blow? We cannot see them in the ice and snow. Cracking nuts in a hollow tree, squirrels are cozy as cozy can be. When the warm spring sun comes out, squirrels wake and jump about. Oh, how happy they will be, a springtime world they will see. * * * * * * * * A little seed for me to sow. A little earth to make it grow. A little hole, a little pat, a little wish, and that is that. A little sun, a little shower, a little while, and then a flower. * * * * * * * * Spring is here, said the bumble bee How do you know, said the old oak tree I see yellow daffodils Dancing with the fairies on the windy hills. * * * * * * * * Pitter, patter raindrops, falling on the treetops, falling down on garden beds, wetting all the children¹s heads. Pitter, patter raindrops, falling on the treetops. * * * * * * * * Now the sky has darkened, and the rain is sprinkling down. Shall we hide beneath a tree, or run back home to town? No! We like the rain! * * * * * * * * VERSE: WALKING: Splish, splash, splish, splash here's how we walk in the rain. Splish, splash, splish, splash here¹s how we walk in the rain. And splash -we run through the puddles. And splosh - we skip in the rain. And splish - we turn round the corner until we come home again! * * * * * * * * And now the rain is over the sky is bright and blue, and yonder in the meadow, the sheep are happy too. * * * * * * * * FINGERPLAY: This is a house for a robin (make a nest with hands) This is a hive for a bee (two fists together to make a hive) This is a hole for a bunny (thumbs and pointers on both hands to make hole) And this is a house for me! (Arms and hands form roof overhead) * * * * * * * * In our Springtime garden, rosy morning glow, Sunshine falling, calling, falling, seeds are waking so. * * * * * * * * Through the meadow let us walk, and see what wonders spring has brought. Skipping, skipping, let us go, as the breeze blows to and fro. But watch your step and look where you go! Here is a creature tiny and slow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caterpillar, caterpillar you are such a pretty sight. Caterpillar, caterpillar green and yellow, black and white. Take care what you do, robins are a watching you. Take care what you do, robins are a watching you. Caterpillar, caterpillar creep away and hide you soon. Caterpillar, caterpillar spin yourself a warm cocoon. Dark and silent lie, till you are a butterfly. Dark and silent lie, till you are a butterfly. * * * * * * * * Flutter, flutter butterfly Floating in the springtime sky Floating by for all to see Floating by so merrily Come bright butterfly close to me. Your beautiful wings I should like to see. You fly like a bird, you sip like a bee, but you're really a flower on the wind set free. Look high and low and you will see, the butterfly is not alone in this meadow. Hop, said the grasshopper, ³hop, hop, hop! The summer is coming and I can¹t stop. All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a honey bee...² Hum, said the honey bee, ³hum, hum, hum! Fresh sweet clover field here I come! All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a squirrel now...² Scurry, said the squirrel and waved her tail like a little brown ship with a furry furry sail. All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a rabbit now...² Jump, said the rabbit with a jump, jump, jump, I must find a fat lettuce to make me plump! All winter long I lay asleep, and the winter seemed it would never, never end, but an April raindrop fell on my nose, and woke me up from my repose, and now it's time to have a little peek, and see if I can find a little friend. Here comes a grasshopper... * * * * * * * * VERSE: WALKING: I see across the meadow is a farmer working, sturdy and strong, with his sack of seeds he strides along; Let's go work with him in the field today. It's time to sow our seed. * * * * * * * * SONG: WALKING: Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow. Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow. The birds are a singing, the little seeds springing, Heigh ho, heigh ho, the farmer doth sow Little brown seeds so small and round, Are sleeping quietly underground. Down come the raindrops sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle. Out comes the rainbow, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. Little brown seeds way down below, Up through the earth they grow, grow, grow. Little green leaves come one by one. They hold up their heads and look at the sun. * * * * * * * * SONG: WALKING: Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow, Can you or I or anyone know How oats, peas, beans, and barley grow? First the farmer sows his seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Next the farmer waters the seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Next the farmer hoes the weeds, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: Last the farmer harvests his seed, Stands erect and takes his ease, He stamps his foot and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands. Chorus: * * * * * * * * SONGS FOR MAY FAIRE_ MAY POLE DANCE SONG: SKIPPING: Sing a song of May Day, Hi dee ho dee hay! Showers of flowers from breezy bowers, Hi dee ho dee hay! Dancers and prancers in high grass Hi dee ho dee hay! Joyfully skip each lad and lassie, Hi dee ho dee hay! SONG: WALKING_ SKIPPING Here we go round the May Pole high, The May Pole high The May Pole high Here we go round the May Pole high, Let coloured ribbons fly! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We're dancing, we're dancing around the Maypole high. In colours of the rainbow our ribbons do fly. Dear children take a ribbon please today May flowers all are we. Around, around, around, a garland we do weave. Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la la. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me please. Tra la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Tra la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me. Hi diddle de, hi diddle de, come join me, come join me please. Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la la. We thank you dear Maypole. (bow) We thank you dear Maypole. (curtsy) * * * * * * * * FINGERPLAYS: Five little peas in a pea pod pressed. One grew, two grew, and so did all the rest. They grew and they grew and they did not stop, until one day, the pod went POP! * * * * * * * * This is my wee garden plot. I'll rake it with care and it will grow a lot! Peas and carrots and salad from seeds. I'll plant and water and pull out the weeds. The sun will shine and bathe my garden in light, all the plants will be happy and taste just right. Here, try some, have a bite! * * * * * * * Have you ever seen a rainbow On a sunny springtime day, After it's been raining In the misty month of May? Out from the clouds it will appear, And then it's gone away. Have you ever seen a rainbow On a sunny springtime day? * * * * * * * * Spring is here, said the bumble bee How do you know, said the old oak tree I see yellow daffodils Dancing with the fairies on the windy hills. Spring is coming spring is coming flowers are waking too daisies, lilies, daffodillies all are breaking through! All are breaking through! * * * * * * * * Cherry Blossoms Little cherry blossom buds Closed up oh, so tight! See them bursting into bloom, Colored pink and white. Along comes the spring breeze, Blowing all around, And down fall the petals, Twirling to the ground. * * * * * * * * Here we go, to and fro, over the rainbow bridge we go. Treading softly, treading slow, over the rainbow bridge we go. Gathering light from sun and star, gathering light from heaven afar, Down to earth all things to greet, sharing the light with all we meet. Here we go, to and fro, over the rainbow bridge we go. Treading softly, treading slow, over the rainbow bridge we go. * * * * * * * * * * Come golden butterfly, close to me, Your beautiful golden wings, I should like to see. You fly like a bird, you sip like a bee, But you're really a flower the wind has set free. * * * * * * * * * * Two little clouds one summer's day Went flying through the sky. They went so fast they bumped their heads, And both began to cry. Old Father Sun looked out and said, Oh, never mind my dears, I'll send my little fairy folk To dry your falling tears. One fairy came in violet, And one in indigo, In blue, green, yellow, orange, red, They made a pretty row. They wiped the clouds tears all away, And then out from the sky, Upon a line the sunbeams made, They hung their gowns to dry.
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July 2017
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