17/4/2013 1 Comment Hilly FieldsWe have only just added an exciting new outdoor venue:
Hilly Fields - A brand new session now offered each Tuesday morning, 10am-12noon. http://www.hilly.org.uk/ The structure of the outdoor sessions is as follows: Nature walk- 10- 10.30 Snack time-10.30- 11.00 Play time-11.00 - 11.30 Craft (during free play time) Tidy up Ring time/Storytelling 11.45-12.00 We gather at a meeting point at 9.45 for 10.00 start. It is easy to meet by the cafe Pistachio in the Park which is at the top of the hill right in the middle of Hilly Fields. It is a lovely cafe and very children friendly! What we do: We begin the sessions with a nature walk from the cafe towards the stone circle here, we stop to play, then we carry on down to the left, following a circle around the perimeter of the park anti clockwise; there is an opportunity to explore the space around us: we always go along our usual path that leads us to our gathering area, which is the fenced area near the bowling, where logs and benches await us, amongst flowers and bushes, perfect for the little ones to feel that they can explore,play 'house' or hide and seek, with the adults knowing the gate is closed! We do many things, sing the little songs, look at little creatures, hear the birds and watch the little wonders of nature. Experience the outdoors in its simplicity. We like to believe that we let Mother Nature sing her songs to us and we just open our senses and listen... We see what can be found that we may use to either build dens for the children or houses for the fairies...We meet crocodiles, cheeky goblins, toads, and bears, even the Gruffalo... and whatever the imagination of the children allow! Craft We gather objects for a possible nature craft, whatever Mother nature got in store for us, literally everything is interesting: dry leaves, pine cones, acorns, conkers; this is our common activity, like gathering twigs for crafts, or other interesting objects for the treasure collection, making necklaces from the red berries and strings or sitting quietly listening to the Nature noises... Snack time We bring food for a shared picnic prepared in advance and brought along with the hot thermos of herbal tea, chamomile and honey, lavender, eldeflower for summer or for the winter, soup, and, on special occasions, rice milk hot chocolate drink! Ring Time We say good morning to the birds, stones, flowers and trees and go on a 'singing journey' riding ponies, or being hopping bunnies; this is our Ring Time/Story Time, when we get everyone together and conclude the session. What to wear and what to bring: Please bring along: Containers, tissues, plates/cups for picnic time, plus a blanket/picnic mat to sit on. Please wear lots of layers, thermal vests and long johns, woolen vests under garments, wool sweaters and padded waterproofs, like all in one or separate top and bottom thick trousers, possibly like ski- wear in winter and hats that stay on the children's heads. The parents and the children who look more relaxed and play happily are the warm ones! Travel and Parking: I believe that Hilly Fields have free parking around it. Hilly Fields is very easy to get to by bus. For map and travel info go to the relevant links. Who can come: Although we are part of Acorns parent and child group, we have a variety of ages in the park, as we welcome toddlers, siblings, babies in slings, older children, daddies and mummies and child carers, families with toddlers, young children and older children too, home educators, grandmas and grandads too, in fact, everyone is welcome, all ages! To book for these sessions click on bookings and choose the Tuesday morning outdoor session and pay on line as usual. It's easy. May I remind you that even with outdoor groups we ask people to commit for the term in advance. It is still the leader's precious time and energy to prepare for the session each week. However we invite people to drop in as guests, which more often results in a new Acorns member of the group!
1 Comment
5/4/2013 0 Comments Summer Term - bookings open -Dear Acorns’ Families, We warmly invite you to the new term, which will be the summer term! Soon the wind and the snow and the rain will be forgotten and the roses will blossom as beautiful as ever! The bluebells are already growing in Oxleas Woods and the daffodils make a bright yellow carpet in Greenwich park! If you are currently attending a session, or more, please, may I remind you that unfortunately we don't have a way to reserve your space, so as soon as you are able to book online for next term, the more of a chance you have to attend your favourite chosen session. It is based on a first come first served policy, with our website bookings open now. There are still a few places left, some sessions are already nearly full. There are a lot of new families waiting to attend sessions and join our already extended 'family', I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you all! NEXT TERM STARTS ON week commencing15th APRIL and ENDS on 5th JULY 2013 half term is from 27th to 31st MAY PLEASE BOOK ONLINE NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Just go to 'Booking' and follow the instructions. |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Booking Festivals Hilly Fields New Term Oxleas Woods Registration Spring Summer Term Workshops/conferences |