28/11/2015 0 Comments SPANISH SPEAKERS ACORNS GROUP¿Hablas español? Este primero de diciembre un grupo de mamas y bebés hispanoparlantes entre 0 y 3 años nos reuniremos en el salon de Church of Ascension, Dartmouth Row para cantar y jugar en español y tomar té. Estaremos alli de 10 a 12 de la mañana. Te esperamos. £1 de contribucion. This a great opportunity for Spanish speaking families (and believe me, with have so many!) at Acorns, to gather and play, drink tea and speak in their familiar language. This group is open to all Spanish speaking families from all backgrounds, even if Spanish is not your first language. The group is facilitated by Claudia Navarro mother of Santiago (Wednesday indoor and Friday outdoor sessions) and will meet once monthly on the first Tuesday of each month. TUESDAY 1ST DECEMBER 10 AM TO 12PM Church of Ascension, Dartmouth Row, SE10 8AW
18/11/2015 0 Comments THE MAGIC OF STORYTELLINGTuesday November 24th at 11 am until 2 pm
Acorns Parent and Child special session The Magic of Storytelling A workshop for all ages How to create, adapt, retell, and tell again stories we know from childhood, stories we don't know, other people's stories, fairytales. How to create the mood and deliver, capture the imagination and attention of young toddlers and children... Using different methods, singing, puppets, voice and gesture. Enter the world of imaginary stories, creative threads that lead us to many possibilities... Useful for parents , carers, teachers who want to learn, share and practice the skills and be a storyteller. We will use expression through movement, gestures, voice, props like veils, cloths, scarves, nature objects, with a Waldorf- Steiner inspired approach. We will make shadow puppets and other interesting props, you go home nourished and inspired, hopefully more confident, the children will see the magic we create and might re-enact this in their play later! Storytelling is a unique human skill shared between people, and is one of our oldest artforms. It brings words and the world to life, stimulates the imagination, and builds a sense of community between tellers and listeners. This workshop is for all ages, everyone who is interested in stories and storytelling is welcome! £15 per adult , children free, includes a light lunch; book now, as spaces are limited! [email protected] The space provides toys for creative play for the young ones 18/11/2015 Winter Spiral - Advent FestivalAcorns invites all Parent and Child groups, Drop off Playgroup families and Kindergarten children to the ADVENT FESTIVAL on FRIDAY 4th DECEMBER at 13.30-15.00 at Church of Ascension, Dartmouth Row SE10 8AW Please arrive from 13.30, for a prompt start at 14.00 Advent Story - Puppet play Music and Songs - Carols by Candlelight Chai tea and biscuits A very special Festival celebrated in a simplified way for our little Acorns children It is through the darkness of the Earth we await the birth of a new inner light to warm our hearts and strengthen our thoughts and deeds. This is manifested in the Christ Child of light born on the night of Christmas. All the kingdoms of nature – Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human – from beneath to above – await the coming birth. Advent is a journey inward to the soul, where we become aware of the eternal light that lightens our way.It is also so beautifully entwined in the northern hemisphere with Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun, and in the southern hemisphere with Summer– celebrating the Sun. Advent is a fun, joyous time for children especially. A time that will forever be etched in their memories. For those celebrating the Advent festival, and to all spiritual beliefs and traditions, this time of year has something special for everyone – the Season of Light on so many levels. It is a time of seeking and keeping that light aglow and sharing the light. This Festival is an opportunity to give our children – and ourselves – the rare chance to experience peace and stillness in our modern world of noise and chaos, enabling us to experience an inner mood of awe and reverence. Winter festivals of light are common around the world. As the days get shorter we move through a time of darkness towards the longest night at the winter solstice, and when Christmas arrives, a turning point is reached, the light increases, days grow longer and nature reawakens. The advent spiral reflects winter's dark growing to a close and the renewed promise that spring light and life will begin again. Deep Mid-Winter drawing near, Darkness in our Garden here – – One small flame yet bravely burns To show a path which ever turns. Earth, please bear us as we go, Seeking Light to send a-glow: Branches green and moss and fern, Mark our path to trace each turn. Brother animals, teach us too To serve with patience as you do. We walk with candle toward the Light While Earth awaits with hope so bright: In the Light which finds new birth Love may spread o’er all the Earth. Deep Mid-Winter drawing near – – May Light arise in our Garden here. ************************************************************************************************** When Mary goes walking The autumn winds blow The poplars they curtsy The larches bend low-- The oaks and the beeches Their gold they fling down To make her a carpet To make her a crown. When Mary goes wand’ring The sun shines like gold The wheat and the barley Their goodness unfold-- The larks in the meadow Praise her from the sky And sing her a glad song Till evening is nigh. When Mary is sleeping The autumn stars shine They twinkle and shimmer In darkest night time-- The moon with its waxing And waning on high Whispers its secrets For Mary’s delight. For Mary is golden, For Mary is true, For she bears the Christ Child For me and for you. Dear Mothers,
you are warmly invited to our next La Leche League meeting that aims to provide information and encouragement, mainly through mother-to-mother support to all women, who want to breastfeed their babies. The meeting will take place on the 17th of November 10am-12pm at the Church of Ascension, the regular venue for the Acorns Parent & Child group. Church of Ascension, Dartmouth Row, SE10 8AW The meeting will be facilitated by Maria Yasnova (LLL Leader). La Leche League Leaders are mothers who have breastfed their own babies and are trained to provide breastfeeding help. As volunteers they provide information and support by telephone and email and lead local support meetings for mothers. La Leche League can help you when you: - are expecting a baby and want to know more about how to breastfeed - are already breastfeeding and want help with particular challenges - need information on starting solids or weaning - want to meet other breastfeeding mums and share experiences - want to read more about breastfeeding, birth and parenting In our meeting on the 17th of November we will cover common difficulties encountered by breastfeeding mothers. The topic of the meeting is "Is this normal, or does it need attention?: the questions breastfeeding mothers ask." In November we also have an antenatal meeting planned on 11.11.15 and a toddler meeting planned on 27.11.15 . Please contact Maria for details of the venue. Babies, toddlers and older siblings are welcome at our meetings. You are welcome to bring a healthy snack to share, but you don't have to. The meetings are free for all. Please consider texting/calling Maria Yasnova on 07811825107 if you plan to attend and to confirm the meeting is taking place as sometimes they need to be cancelled for emergency reasons. Golden light is turning grey, Mists begin to rule the day. Bare the trees, their branches lift; Clouds of dead leaves earthward drift. Through the field the farmer goes, Seeds of ripened corn he sows; Trusts the earth will hold it warm, Shelter it from cold and harm. For he knows, that warmth and light Live there, hidden from our sight; And beneath a sheltering wing, Deep below, new life will spring! Deep below, deep below, new life will spring! Lantern Festival Saturday 14th November at 4 pm please arrive at 3.45 -4.00 for prompt start of the procession at 4.15 after the procession, we will serve hot apple punch and cookies Woodlands - Greenwich Steiner School, Mycenae Road Our Lantern Festival will be held at Woodlands MYCENAE GARDENS This magical event is one of our favorite ones At Acorns we will be preparing for this Festival making lanterns and biscuits in the shape of stars and moons. We do all this because of St Martin's day and to represent the inward mood of Autumn, the colder weather approaching, with the darker days, longer nights, going towards Winter; the light in our lanterns shines bright for us to guide us through the darkest times, bringing warmth and joy, love to us all. At our sessions after the half term we will be making lanterns in preparation for the festival. Some of us leaders will bake cookies shaped like stars and moons...but this doesn't stop families making and preparing at home... Lantern Festival Saturday 14th November at 4pm Woodlands - Greenwich Steiner School 90 Mycenae Road - Blackheath SE3 7SE Acorns warmly welcomes families to attend our annual Lantern Festival to be held at Woodlands, Greenwich Steiner School Saturday 14th November We will sing together as we walk through the trees at twilight. Please bring the lanterns you have made in your group, spare tea-light candles, matches, warm clothing and waterproof clothing if raining. Please could each family contribute a carton of apple juice which will be warmed and served with cookies after our walk in the grounds? As the timing overlaps evening meal time for many, it may be helpful to have children eat a hearty meal before the event. This is a free event for the whole family, and friends. Older siblings and families who used to come to Acorns welcome! Hope to see you all there. Here there is more info (edited extract) about this lovely festival, taken from Faith Collin's website, which I find is like a cave full of treasures and ideas for us parents/carers and anyone interested in Steiner inspired family life... (from: http://joyfultoddlers.info/ ) The actual day of Martinmas falls each year on the same day, St Martin's day on November 11th; it is not commonly celebrated in the United States, or UK, but it’s such a lovely festival that I wanted to tell you all about it. I love celebrating these ‘smaller’ festivals because they have not been taken over by commercial interests, and you can really shape them to be special events for your family. What Is Martinmas? Well, there are two parts of Martinmas. The first is that it’s the Saint Day of Saint Martin, and the other part is that Martinmas “adopted” the very old tradition of the the Lantern Walk. Most of us, depending on where we live, are starting to really notice that the days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer. As nature starts falling asleep, and the world is getting darker, it is up to us to light the world, with our own inner lights. We must look inside ourselves, and to one another, to light up our world. This light can be seen through warmth, and through kindness, and through doing what we know to be right. Saint Martin was one such man, who shared his red cloak with a beggar, then had a dream where Christ said to him, “What you do to others, you do to me.” Martin stepped down from his post in the Roman Legion to become a holy man. We, like St. Martin, can do things that are warm and friendly for one another, and this help to keep the world alight in these cold times. We can also make external representations of our inner light, to light the world around us. One way to do that is by making lanterns. I loved making lanterns as a child! Over the years we made many different kinds of lanterns. These are some examples of the types of lanterns we made: These lanterns are made from a tin can with holes pounded through with a hammer and nail. These can be very fancy, or quite plain, but when lit they look like little stars shining through (fill the can with water and put it in the freezer before hammering, so you don’t crush the can): Other years, we made “stained glass” lanterns with tissue paper behind cut-outs from stiff paper painted with water color paints. If we wanted to be very fancy, we’d put waxed-paper into the cutouts, with leaves and crayon-shavings ironed between. Then again, paper mache lanterns are some of the easiest to make, and most colorful of lanterns. They glow all over when lit! And finally, one of my favorite (although by far the most complex) were the lanterns carved from a turnip: Whatever the method, we would sing and sing as we made our lanterns. Then, when Martinmas finally came, it was time for our Lantern Walk. Parents and children would gather at dusk, and we would light our lanterns. Together, with our lights shining, we would walk through the land and sing our songs. Now, different groups do the lantern walk differently. Some walk through the woods, where it is very dark. Some walk through the neighborhood, to bring light and goodwill to the neighbors, like caroling. Some structure the whole experience to be soft and quiet and reverent, asking parents to keep the chit-chat to the minimum, so that it’s a truly reflective experience. Other groups troop around gaily, and end the whole thing around a huge bonfire, with songs and hot cider and camaraderie all around. Get Ready If you have a home-program and are excited to host an early-evening activity, by all means get busy! Likewise, if you are a parent at home and would like to invite other parents and children over to do a lantern walk, how lovely! But it may be that you can’t host an evening activity, or you don’t have a group of children. No matter what your situation, you can still make lanterns and celebrate the kindling of our own inner lights. Here’s what you might do: Make Your Lanterns First off, start leaving the lights off a little more, so that you and your children can really notice that it’s getting darker. Where you can, use small lamps or light candles to add more light. Then, start making your lanterns. One of the biggest-bang-for-your-buck lanterns is the paper mache lantern made with balloons, and there is a lovely description (with photos) of how to make that type of lantern here:http://www.waldorffamilynetwork.com/saints.html . Toddlers can help make this type of lantern quite easily. Or, if you have big boys who love to use tools, make a tin-can lantern. Take a used can and fill it with water, then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen, you can put it in a plastic tub with a towel in the bottom, and make holes with a hammer and nail. If you get a nail started, a child can “help” hammer it in. Sing and Tell Stories While you make your lanterns, sing songs! A song that many people know is “This little light of mine (I’m gonna let it shine).” That’s a good one. I can’t find the songs I used to sing online, but here are a couple more that are sung on a YouTube video that you could use, sung by David Darcy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKgUFAytb2k&feature=related. You can sing one or two songs over and over again. Children love repetition! And between the songs, you might tell a story like this: Lying in the meadow grass And gazing at the autumn sky, “Dear Father Sun,” said George out loud, “It will be winter by and by.” “The nights will be long, dark, and cold. Jack Frost will freeze the ground. How shall I find the light With so much darkness all around?” Said Father Sun, “I’ll give you from my Last autumn rays, a spark, If you will make a little house To hold it in the dark.” With paper, paint, some windows And a candle it was done! George came out and held his lantern Up to Father Sun. Suddenly the windows lit, The spark was dancing bright. Carefully, George carried home His lantern in the twilight. (Now, some lantern songs): The sunlight fast is dwindling. My little lamp needs kindling. It’s beam shines far in darkest night, Dear lantern guard me with your light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My lantern, my lantern, shining near and far, shining like a moon, shining like a sun, shining like a silver star. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glimmer lantern glimmer, little stars a-shimmer. over meadow, moore and dale, flitter flatter elfin vale, pee-wit, pee-wit, tick-a-tick-a-tick, roo- coo, roo- coo (Then, spoken verse) My lantern, my lantern, Sun and moon and starlight. In the darkened heaven high Shine no stars within the sky. Darkened is the path this night With no moon or star as light. My lantern, my lantern, Sun and moon and starlight, Friendly little lantern bright, Be my sun and shield this night. Be my moon and sun so high. No light is in the sky. (And, finally), I go with my bright little lantern My lantern is going with me. In heaven the stars are shining, On earth shines my lantern with me, The cock does crow, the cat miaows Lantern shines, la bimba- labamba-labim (then, after we walked in a circle carrying our pretend lanterns we put the lanterns down in the middle of the cirlce) There over the light are stars, Here under the light are we. My light is out, We’re going home, Rabimmel, rabammel, rum! (then, pretending to ride a horse) St. Martin, St. Martin, St. Martin Rode through wind and snow, His horse carried him so quick-ly on In comfort and warmth through the cold he did go His thick cloak around him tight-ly drawn. In the cold snow, in the cold snow, in the cold snow There sat a poor old man He wore only rags and called with choked breath, “Oh help me please – please if you can Or the bitter frost will mean my death.” St. Martin, St. Martin, St. Martin Reined his horse to his side It stood quietly by as if it knew How with his sword, St. Martin would divide (we do the action of sword cutting cloack in two) His warm, thick cloak right in-to two. St. Martin, St. Martin, Gave one half to the man to put on The grateful man turned, but before he spoke Noble St. Martin had already gone Wearing his half of the div-id-ed cloak. (I give a 'cloak'- a silk scarf- to each child, then slowly and quietly walk to the snack table where the assistant carefuly placed bread rolls on the table which are to be cut in half and shared and eaten with a bowl of soup, on the actual festival day) PS some parents asked me about the story and I think it is more suitable for 6 years olds + x Susannah A Story of Autumn Light Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived with his mother and his father and his baby sister. He played all summer long in his shorts and bare-feet, feeling the hot sun on his face. Then, one day, the ground started to get cold, and he had to put on shoes. Then the wind started to blow! He was chilly! He had to put on a sweater to keep warm. The leaves started to turn colors and fall off of the trees. “What’s happening?” he asked his mother. “Autumn is here,” said his mother, “and soon Winter will be on its way. Do you see how the squirrels are collecting nuts for the winter? And the mice are collecting seeds. And our dog is growing a nice, thick coat to keep himself warm.” The little boy thought about this for a few days, and he did notice the squirrel collecting nuts. And when he petted his dog, he noticed that his coat was getting thick and bushy. A few more days went by, and the boy said, “Mother, it seems like the world used to be full of sunshine, but now it is getting dark. Will it keep getting darker and darker?” And he mother replied, “Yes, it will get darker and darker each evening until the deep winter. The world is getting ready to sleep.” The boy thought about this for a few more days, and he said, “Mother, will we be dark and cold, too?” “No,” said his mother, “We will stay warm, but it won’t be the sun that warms us as much. During these dark, cold months, we will have to find our own lights!” “How can we do that?” the boy asked. “We can do that by lighting fires in the fireplace, by lighting candles all around, by wearing warm clothes and even by making lanterns to take our light with us outside in the dark! And we can keep ourselves and others warm by doing acts of kindness, to warm our hearts.” That little boy and his mother and father made lanterns to bring their lights outside, and when they were done, they took their lanterns out and sang sweet songs, and knocked on their neighbors’ doors to take them some fresh-baked banana bread, to keep them warm as well. And the boy and his family kept their lights lit and their hearts warm all through the Autumn, and through the Winter as well. When the Day Comes When the day comes (traditionally November 11th, but if you’re just getting started, do it any day in November; nobody will know!), tell your children: “Today is the day! The day for our Lantern Walk! Today we will take our lights and our warmth outside with us!” Bake some banana bread or cookies together, for the neighbors, all the while talking about how much the neighbors are going to love it, how warm it will make them feel, and how warm you will feel as well! While the bread is baking, the children might color some cards, and then it will be time to make sure that the lanterns are all ready. If you have many more children than adults, and the children are very young, you might need to use those electric votives that “flicker” like a real candle, but if you can, use real candles. Even young children can be careful! Set all of the lanterns on the table, turn out the lights, and light the candles. In this darkened atmosphere, oh-so-quietly get your warm Autumn clothes on, with warm hats, scarves, mittens (depending on the weather in your area). You might hum the lantern songs softly while you dress, and when you have to talk, whisper. This makes the event into something special. Finally, you’re ready to go! Singing your song loudly, give each child a lantern, and head outside. Sing all the way to the neighbor’s house, and ring the bell. Tell your neighbor that you and the children noticed it was getting cold and dark, and you made some banana bread to help them keep warm! Then back home you go. A successful lantern walk! Songs and verses for Autumn and Lantern Festival: Autumn comes, the summer is past, winter will come too soon, Star will shine clearer, skies seem nearer Under the Harvest Moon Autumn comes, so let us be glad, singing an autumn tune Hearts will be lighter, skies seem brighter Under a Harvest Moon * * * * * * * * * * * My lantern, my lantern, shining near and far, shining like a moon, shining like a sun, shining like a silver star. * * * * * * * * * * Golden light is turning grey, Mists begin to rule the day. Bare the trees, their branches lift; Clouds of dead leaves earthward drift. Through the field the farmer goes, Seeds of ripened corn he sows; Trusts the earth will hold it warm, Shelter it from cold and harm. For he knows, that warmth and light Live there, hidden from our sight; And beneath a sheltering wing, Deep below, new life will spring! Deep below, deep below, new life will spring! * * * * * * * * * * * Parting Thoughts The main thing about this is to do something that you and the children can be excited about. It may be that you make only one lantern together. It may be that you take store-bought cookies to one neighbor. Or if you care for many children and going out of your yard is too hard, it may be that you ask parents to arrive 15 minutes early and you and the children walk around the yard with your lanterns and then everyone eats warm banana bread at the end. You can adjust it to whatever feels manageable for you, in your situation. But telling a story for several days in a row, and then “living” the story through your own actions, and noticing how good it feels to be generous to others, helps a family or a class to feel alive and warm and connected. What a wonderful way to go into Autumn! 7/11/2015 0 Comments Forries Education - Parent and Child Outdoor sessions @ Manor Park - Hither GreenForries Education Outdoor parent and child sessions: Child-led approach to outdoor play and learning. It is fun and unhurried, focusing on process rather than product. Acorns is inviting families to join James H-K Manor Park - Hither Green Forries Education - outdoor sessions on Fridays 10.00 to 12.00 I am pleased to let everybody know that Forest School has now arrived in SE London. The aim is to offer curriculum as well as after school sessions and to do children's parties. James Hazlerigg- Kinlay, of Forries Education is a Botanist and works at designing and landscaping green spaces. His approach is gentle, and his sessions are simply based on discovery, creative, child-led play in a woodland setting The sessions for the next half-term are all on Fridays and are as follows; * 10.30 - 12.00 toddlers - pre-school children and parents. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 -18.12.15. £60.00 *1.00 - 2.30 for children at nursery. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 - 18.12.15. - £60.00 * 3.30 - 5.30 for after school sessions. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 - 18.12.15. - £90.00. Bookings taken now. Please, book through James, Forries Education 02082970130, 07895608431 email: [email protected] Acorns is currently not running an outdoor group, however, we are inviting families to join a new outdoor session in a new location; ONE session a week: every Friday 10. -12. (arrive at 10 to settle for prompt 10.30 start) at Manor Park, Lee Here we have found a lovely leader called James, Forries Education and are going to join him where he adopted a little corner of the park, a base for a couple of hours every Friday. James and friends have set the place for picnic, a cosy gathering place… Once the children become familiar with the setting, they are happy to wonder around and play Sessions run all year round whatever the weather, just dress accordingly. Extreme weather conditions check on 'news' or contact leader directly for latest info. For extreme weather we mean storms and hurricanes, or below 0 degrees with storm/hail/blizzard conditions, which doesn't happen much in London, really! PLEASE NOTE- OXLEAS WOODS SESSIONS HAVE BEEN CURRENTLY SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Outdoor session - Forries Education-MANOR PARK http://ourhithergreen.com/tag/manor-park-2/ This session is on Friday mornings 10am- 12 noon arrival and settling 10 am to 10.30 for a 10.30 start Bookings and Fees: Please, book through James - Forries Education 02082970130, 07895608431 email: [email protected] The price per term is from £60, depending on age Outdoor parent and child sessions: Acorns has now joined Manor Park - Hither Green Forries Education - outdoor sessions on Fridays 10.00 to 12.00 I am pleased to let everybody know that Forest School has now arrived in SE London. The aim is to offer curriculum as well as after school sessions and to do children's parties. James Hazlerigg- Kinlay, of Forries Education is a Botanist and works at designing and landscaping green spaces. His approach is gentle, and his sessions are simply based on discovery, creative, child-led play in a woodland setting The sessions for the next half-term are all on Fridays and are as follows; * 10.30 - 12.00 toddlers - pre-school children and parents. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 -18.12.15. £60.00 *1.00 - 2.30 for children at nursery. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 - 18.12.15. - £60.00 * 3.30 - 5.30 for after school sessions. 6 sessions from 13.11.15 - 18.12.15. - £90.00. Bookings taken now. Acorns has now joined Manor Park outdoor sessions Please, book through James, Forries Education 02082970130, 07895608431 email: [email protected] Acorns is currently not running an outdoor group, however, we are joining a new outdoor session in a new location; ONE session a week: every Friday 10. -12. at Manor Park, Lee Here we have found a lovely leader called James, Forries Education and are going to join him where he adopted a little corner of the park, a base for a couple of hours every Friday. James and friends have set the place for picnic, a cosy gathering place… Once the children become familiar with the setting, they are happy to wonder around and play Sessions run all year round whatever the weather, just dress accordingly. Extreme weather conditions check on 'news' or contact leader directly for latest info. For extreme weather we mean storms and hurricanes, or below 0 degrees with storm/hail/blizzard conditions, which doesn't happen much in London, really! PLEASE NOTE- OXLEAS WOODS SESSIONS HAVE BEEN CURRENTLY SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Outdoor session - NEW LOCATION -MANOR PARK http://ourhithergreen.com/tag/manor-park-2/ This session is on Friday mornings 10am- 12 noon arrival and settling 10 am to 10.30 for a 10.30 start Bookings and Fees: Please, book through James - Forries Education 02082970130, 07895608431 email: [email protected] The price per term is from £60, depending on age Not to be missed! Acorns Parent and Child Craft special - FELTING TUTORIAL with SUSANNA WALLIS TUESDAY 10TH NOVEMBER Church of Ascension 10.30 start to 13.00 A MUST FOR ALL CRAFT LOVERS - SPECIAL CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP:- FELTING A SIMPLE WALDORF STYLE puppet- STEINER INSPIRED ANIMAL OR SIMPLE NATURE object WITH WOOL A VERY SPECIAL GUEST TUTOR IS COMING TO TEACH US AT ACORNS!: SUSANNA WALLIS - AUTHOR OF FELTING BOOKS AND FELTING EXPERT. A TWO HOUR SESSION FELTING WOOL, this can be wet felting and or needle felting, depending on effect achieved. Adults may bring their children if they wish; please arrive in time to settle your child in the hall with toys and for a prompt start at 10.30. There will be a light lunch at around 11.30-12.00. 12 POUNDS CASH ON ARRIVAL FOR MORE INFO AND DETAILS MESSAGE ME, WRITE A POST BELOW, THANK YOU. FELTED CROWNS, PUPPETS, FAIRIES ANGELS, ANIMALS AND OTHER BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE FELTED CREATIONS FOR SALE! We will a chance to buy some of Susanna Wallis work, seasonal decorations, perhaps even stocking fillers for your child or family; that special gift. All made with attention to details and lots of love. About Susanna Wallis : ''My crafts are high quality and beautifully made with love, care and detail. I aim to make long lasting, heirloom and cherished items using the best materials and consider environmental issues in the making process. I prefer to use high quality and natural materials. '' Susanna is a craft author / tutor / textile artist / designer. She has written two books on Needle Felting for Search Press (UK). Susanna teaches freelance craft workshops, one off workshops and short courses at various locations. She has taught at the Knitting and Stitching show, is a visiting tutor at Guilds, womens groups, craft shops, colleges, schools and arts centres. |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Booking Festivals Hilly Fields New Term Oxleas Woods Registration Spring Summer Term Workshops/conferences |