Church of Ascension 10 am start
£6.50 drop in All Acorns families and friends are invited to this special Easter drop in session. Bring some fruit and home made biscuits/cakes/flapjacks, etc... We will be serving soup for snack as usual, so still bring a carrot, a leek or courgette...etc... We are going to make hot cross buns with the children. We are all going to follow the Easter Hare out of Acorns and up Dartmouth Row where there is a grassy area with trees and if you help the children look behind the bushes and between the may find some lovely Easter eggs. Please let the leaders know of any diet concerns as we are using real chocolate milk eggs from Waitrose (no nuts, suitable for Vegetarians) Susannah and Maria and the Acorns team, wishing you a happy, hoppy Easter!
21/3/2014 0 Comments Spring WorkshopSpring Cleaning - inside and out
a special workshop on detoxing SUNDAY 30th MARCH at CHURCH of ASCENSION 12 to 4pm Featuring yoga, body movement, sound energy work, nutrition, spring energy, cleansing foods, detox. Detox means not only flushing out stuff from the body, eating cleansing foods, but also getting rid of unhealthy energy; This workshop will be for the mind, body and souls, making an impact even at a cellular level clear and allow space for the positive. Let's learn how creating boundaries, creating respect, allowing space, creates more space for creativity, love and relationships, including time and space for yourself. When we take the dead leaves off a plant we allow it to breathe and grow better... This is balance, this is Spring Cleaning. wear loose clothing. Adults only, please, dads very welcome too! £11 - Bookings taken now. Please email admin (click on 'more' and 'contact us' ), or text 07837931643 only a few spaces available as it is very popular Susannah Hilly Fields Tuesday 11th March Join this fantastic all day event. Acorns will be there running the outdoor session special. This is an opportunity for the regular group to meet again and for newcomers to try a sample session! We meet at 10 am by the cafe in the middle of Hilly Fields (at the top of the hill) For Info: Susannah 07837931643 ![]() 23/12/2013 0 Comments December 23rd, 2013Dear Acorns’ Families,
NEXT TERM STARTS ON MONDAY 13TH JANUARY 2014 PLEASE BOOK ON LINE FROM BOXING DAY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Please, on Boxing day click on Booking to sign up to your favorite sessions. On this website you may browse for extra information about our Parent and Child sessions and ethos, but also place your booking for this coming term and all the following ones. For your information, or the latest news if you click on top bar on 'news' and our current sessions are listed under the Timetable section. PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE SUSPENDING THE OUTDOOR SESSIONS BETWEEN CHRISTMAS 2013 AND EASTER 2014. PLEASE GO TO NEWS CLOSER TO EASTER TIME TO CHECK THE EXACT START DATE, THANKS. If you go to the Booking tab you will be taken directly to our secure online booking system The whole process is pretty straightforward. You will first need to register yourself. (This is a one time process; so if you've done that in previous terms, you're already registered with us) You’ll then instantly receive an invite via email (this is for security purposes) with a link that you must click on to confirm your email address. Once you've done that you’ll be safe to log in and add your child or children, and book your chosen session(s). We'll no longer require your posting a cheque to us. You will now be paying online using credit or debit card. Immediately after you have paid via our secure payment gateway you’ll receive an e-mail confirmation of your booking and acknowledgement of payment. Should you have queries, please contact us by clicking on 'contact' on the website Please remember all our sessions welcome babies and toddlers of the whole age range 0-3. However, the Bumps and Babes (pregnant mums and young babies) can actually be a separate group at the leader's home, please, if you feel this is something you would like, contact us. We have a special creative art with movement and interactive storytime on Monday pm that could attract slightly older children, see website for more info. Looking forward to more togetherness, The Acorns Team Acorns is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers. Please persist if you haven’t received an answer within 3 days of placing your query. Also, your help is much appreciated when it comes to donating fruit or veg and washing a cup or two. - - - - 27/3/2013 1 Comment March 27th, 2013Dear Acorns Families, We are offering two drop in sessions this week, for the Easter Holiday break: these sessions are both outdoor sessions, whatever the weather! Greenwich Park on Thursday 4th from 11.00 to 13.00, and Friday 5th in Oxleas Woods from 10.00 to 12.00 Both sessions are drop in, with no limit of numbers! £4 per child, + £2 for siblings and friends. Greenwich Park, at the Flower Garden - meet at 10.45 by the pond/deers. NEXT TERM STARTS ON MONDAY 15th APRIL. PLEASE BOOK ONLINE NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! all details, fees, dates, latest news and info are on our website: extra information about our Parent and Child sessions and ethos, but also place your booking for this coming term.For your information, our current sessions are listed under the Timetable section. If you go to the Booking tab you will be taken directly to our secure online booking system, here on this website. The whole process is pretty straightforward. You will first need to register yourself, unless you are already registered. (This is a one time process, then, each time you access website just login using your password.) When you initally register you instantly receive an invite via email (this is for security purposes) with a link that you must click on to confirm your email address. Once you\'ve done that you?ll be safe to log in and add your child or children, and book your chosen session(s). We'll no longer require your posting a cheque to us. You will now be paying online using credit or debit card. Immediately after you have paid via our secure payment gateway you?ll receive an e-mail confirmation of your booking and acknowledgement of payment. Should you have queries, please contact us on [email protected] or call Susannah on 07591050702 17/3/2013 3 Comments Easter breakWake up, wake up, all you little children,
Sunlight, sky bright, Spring is coming now. Gusty winds are blowing, daffodils a-bowing, Birds sing, bells ring, there's blossom on the bough. Dear Acorns Families, We are planning to do a Spring Clean at the Church of Ascension, cleaning and refurbishing during the long Easter break. For this reason we cannot hold indoor drop in session at the church, however we are inviting all families to Greenwich Park on Thursday 4th from 11.00 to 13.00, and Friday 5th in Oxleas Woods from 10.00 to 12.00 Both sessions are drop in, with no limit of numbers! £4 per child, £2 siblings and friends. Greenwich Park, at the Flower Garden by the pond/deers. We warmly invite you to our Spring gathering on Friday 29th March with special Easter egg hunt at Oxleas Woods, 11 am - this event is free! There will be games and fun activities, songs, tea and plenty of familiar faces to bond and enjoy the day. Siblings of all ages are welcome! Bring simple food for a shared picnic, a rug and a thermos with cups, please. For more info and directions on sessions and how to get to Oxleas Woods, please text Susannah on 07837931643 Hope to see you all there! Sending you sunny (and rainy) regards, Susannah and the Acorns team - - - - ![]() Dear Acorns’ Families, We’d like to invite you to our SPRING Gathering at Oxleas Woods on Wednesday 18th April from 10 am. We'll gather at the usual location for our Outdoor Sessions --by the oak tree, next to the café. This is a free event for all the family (older siblings welcome!) Parking is also free, and there are several bus routes to the woods. Please bring a picnic blanket and some finger food to share. Thanks and hope to see you all there. |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Booking Festivals Hilly Fields New Term Oxleas Woods Registration Spring Summer Term Workshops/conferences |